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Bottle Nosed Dolphin


Facts Of Bottle Nosed Dolphin 
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Cetacea
Family: Delphinidae
Genus: Tursiops
Scientific Name: Tursiops Truncatus
Type: Mammal
Diet: Omnivore
Size (L): 2.5m - 4m (8ft - 13ft)
Weight: 200kg - 300kg (440lbs - 660lbs)
Top Speed: 35km/h (21mph)
Lifespan: 20 - 35 years
Lifestyle: Pod
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Colour: Light grey, Dark grey
Skin Type: Smooth
Favourite Food: Fish
Habitat: Warm harbours and bays
Average Litter Size: 1
Main Prey: Fish, Shrimp, Squid
Predators: Human, Sharks, Killer Whale
Distinctive Features: Large dorsal fins and communicate using whistling

Bottlenose Dolphins are the most well-known and surely understood sort of dolphin. Bottlenose dolphins are discovered occupying warm oceans around the world. Bottlenose dolphins are dim in shading and develop somewhere in the range of 2 and 4 meters in length. These dolphins ordinarily remain in bunches from 15 to 2,000 in number, implying that bottlenose dolphins can frequently be found in expansive gatherings.

Dolphins are believed to be one of the more savvy creatures of the warm blooded creature world, alongside greater primates and people. Dolphins are thought to impart to different dolphins through a progression of clicking sounds.  Bottlenose dolphins for the most part have a decent association with people and because of their insight, bottlenose dolphins have been prepared by military powers for errands, for example, finding ocean mines or identifying and stamping adversary jumpers. In a few regions, the bottlenose dolphins have been known to help the neighborhood anglers by driving fish towards the anglers and after that eating the fish that break the anglers' nets.

In any case, a few  interactions with people are unsafe to the dolphins as individuals chase bottlenose dolphins for nourishment, and dolphins are frequently slaughtered coincidentally when there is mass fish angling. Bottlenose dolphins are by and large known to have a quiet and fun loving demeanor, especially around people. As people, bottlenose dolphins are not forceful commonly but rather in the event that they feel undermined, bottlenose dolphins will utilize their enormous unit size further bolstering their good fortune which will regularly threaten undesirable gatecrashers.


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