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Siamese Fighting Fish


Facts Of Siamese Fighting Fish 
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Osphronemidae
Genus: Betta
Common Name: Siamese Fighting Fish
Scientific Name: Betta Splendens
Origin: Southeast Asia
Diet: Carnivore
Size (L): 6cm - 8cm (2.4in - 3.1in)
Water Type: Fresh
Optimum pH Level: 6.9 - 7.2
Lifespan: 1 - 4 years
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Skin Type: Scales
Favourite Food: Insects
Habitat: Mekong river in south-east Asia
Average Clutch Size: 30
Main Prey: Insects, Brine Shrimp, Plankton
Predators: Fish, Cat, Salamander
Distinctive Features: Feisty temperament and long tail fin

 The Siamese fighting fish is a little and beautiful predatory types of fish found in the Mekong River that goes through various nations in south-east Asia. The Siamese fighting fish is local to the Mekong delta in south-east Asia and in spite of the fact that the Siamese fighting fish would today be able to be discovered normally in Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia, it is thought to have begun from Thailand. 
The Siamese fighting fish was given its name in Thai "ikan bettah", which implies gnawing fish! The Siamese fighting fish is known for its feisty personality showed towards different guys and littler types of fish and can frequently show exceptionally forceful conduct towards any creatures that the Siamese fighting fish sees as a danger towards it. 

 The Siamese fighting fish is effectively perceived because of the lovely hues showed on the body of the Siamese fighting fish. Siamese battling fish additionally have long and expound shaded balances, which are longer on the male Siamese fighting fish than the balances of the female Siamese fighting fish. The balances of the Siamese fighting fish look especially detailed because of the way that the body of the Siamese fighting fish is generally little. The Siamese fighting fish is a savage types of creatures and in this way, the eating routine Siamese fighting fish is meat based. Siamese fighting fish for the most part eat creepy crawlies and brackish water shrimp and furthermore the bigger nourishment particles that are a piece of the tiny fish in the water. Because of its little size, splendid hues and long, alluring blades, the Siamese fighting fish is preyed about by numerous different creatures. The predators of the Siamese fighting fish incorporate bigger fish, felines, newts, lizards, feathered creatures and people who find the Siamese fighting fish to keep in tanks at home. 

 The Siamese fighting fish mate in a manner that includes the male Siamese battling fish and female Siamese fighting fish spiraling around each other. Somewhere in the range of 10 and 45 eggs are discharged and treated at each grasp. Once the female Siamese fighting fish has discharged every last bit of her eggs, she is pursued far from the domain of the male Siamese fighting fish, as it is likely that she'll eat the eggs. The male Siamese fighting fish deliberately keeps each egg in his air pocket settle, ensuring none tumble to the base, and repairing the air pocket settle as required. The brooding time of the eggs of the Siamese fighting fish is a couple of days. The Siamese fighting fish lives for up to 5 years, yet the Siamese fighting fish typically will just get to the age of 2 or 3. The Siamese fighting fish is a reasonably bother free fish to keep in a little aquarium where there just a couple of fish. The Siamese fighting fish is likewise a mainstream aquarium angle because of its splendidly hued body and expand blades. The Siamese fighting fish just has a short life expectancy however which implies that they won't get to as old as the fish in the garden lake.


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